
Content Distribution 101: Why, How and Where

Written by Dave Meyer | May 15, 2020 6:50:00 AM

Good content is not only informative, but also builds a relationship with your audience and customers. But how do you reach that audience? After all, content is only successful if it reaches the right people.

That’s where smart content distribution comes in. Creating a strategy to send out information to the right audience on the right platform in the right medium will ensure you don’t waste time and strategically engage your customer. Let’s take some time to discuss the how, why and where of content distribution.


Why You Should Have a Content Strategy

A strong content strategy provides value to your customers, by giving them the information they want. It also is critical for building organic SEO, which improves your ranking in search engines. Most people start searches online and the benefit of time spent developing content (and SEO), is that your information will reach your audience when they are looking for it. This makes your brand top of mind in a way that doesn't feel like advertising.


How to Distribute Content

A strong content distribution strategy includes each of the following steps:

  1. Research
  2. Outline your goals
  3. Choose the right channels
  4. Build a dynamic calendar
  5. Create your content
  6. Distribute your content

1. Research

First, research your target audience and create buyer personas. Personas are fictional, generalized representations of your ideal customers that you would like to attract and engage. The research stage should also include an audit of your current website and blog content so you can fill in the gaps or revisit older, yet still relevant topics.


2. Outline Your Goals

Outline your SMART goals to target what you want to accomplish with your content so you can measure your success or failure. SMART goal planning creates more actionable, attainable results by creating specificity in goal planning.


3. Choose the Right Channels

Choosing the right channel for your content will be easier after you have your buyer persona outlined. The channel will likely include written content like blog posts and social media, but might also include webinars, videos, live streams or even direct mailing. You'll want to distribute your content to the channels that are most relevant for your buyer persona. For example, where a 42 year old marketing manager and a 12 year old toy collector spend their time online is very different.


4. Build a Dynamic Calendar

Now that you know your target audience, channel and have a clear path forward, the next step is to create a calendar of when you will distribute your content. Your calendar should include timely posts as well as some evergreen topics relevant to your audience. 


5. Create Your Content

Now it's time to create the actual content. If you're not a writer, you can still create compelling content - check out our blog post on how to do just that. Graphic design tools like Canva can be helpful with icons, infographics, and images.


6. Distribute Your Content

Finally, it's time to distribute your content. Depending on the type of content you would like to post, there are a variety of tools available create and distribute your message. Tools like HubSpot allow you to schedule everything from one place and track it all in real-time. Whatever medium you choose, posting engaging content is key to building a relationship with your audience and potential customers.

Content distribution is a critical part of any content marketing strategy. By following these guidelines, you can create a blueprint for what type of content to create and how to get it in front of people who need to see it. 

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Free Template: Content Audit

As you plan out your content, you want to make sure that you have goals in mind and track towards them. Your content is the main driver towards your SEO, so having an organized plan is key to measuring results! 

With this template you'll get:

  • An organization method for all of your content
  • Ability to share with your company the results of your efforts
  • Place to plan future content and promotion activities

Download the Content Tracker today!


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BizzyWeb is a Minneapolis-based digital marketing and web design agency that helps companies get the high-quality leads they need to grow and thrive. Our tactics include inbound marketing, SEO, advertising, web design, content creation and sales automation. We are an accredited HubSpot Platinum Partner and we offer full-service HubSpot onboarding, enablement and strategy for new and current users.