
How a Data Analytics Company Enhanced SEO and Streamlined an Abundance of Information

Ocient enables organizations to pursue new opportunities and transformational value with solutions tailored for hyperscale data sets. From making previously unfeasible data pipelines and queries a reality to partnering closely with customers to tackle their toughest data challenges, innovation is at the core of what they do.

The Challenge

Some of the biggest challenges Ocient ran into were a low budget compared to their competition, little SEO strategy, and an information overload. While their system was organized, the company had so much information that they didn’t know where to begin – and couldn’t figure out how to use it. With thousands of competitors and minimal SEO strategy implemented, it was hard for their site to push through. Lastly, Ocient was a smaller company with a lower marketing budget than its competitors, making it harder for them to stand out.

Client Priorities

  • Gate resources so the public can't access materials
  • Lead generation and brand awareness
  • Launching a bi-monthly newsletter for employees and prospects
  • Create nurturing workflows, sync Salesforce, and create reports

The Plan

To help Ocient rank against others in the hyperscale data industry and create more leads, we planned to organize and gate off the existing information. From there, we planned to create strategy in pay-per-click advertising (PPC), inbound marketing emails, internal newsletters, search engine optimization (SEO), and HubSpot.

PPC: The initial ad campaigns used multiple keywords and consultants By implementing PPC advertising, the goal was to drive traffic to the site and increase brand awareness.

Inbound Emails: To garner leads, our team planned to gate the existing content and create a bi-monthly email campaign for external prospects and current clients with the information. We determined that inbound marketing emails should be created and sent out twice a month to inform prospects about new updates and the services Ocient offers.

Internal Newsletter: Along with the inbound emails, we planned to send two monthly newsletters to internal employees alerting them of new changes and keeping them updated on company successes.

SEO: Our team created a 3-prong plan for the SEO strategy to expand search rankings and bring the website up in stature. 1.) Content: We planned to update two major pages monthly. 2.) Research: 2-4 topics with specific keywords should be pulled monthly for content. 3.) Technical: We proposed completing SEO updates to increase ranking and stand out amongst competitors.

HubSpot: We planned to align Ocient with HubSpot to use Salesforce and Marketing hubs to streamline internal processes, maximize efforts, and make reporting easier.

The Results

We shouldn’t brag, but the numbers don’t lie


Engagement rate rose to nearly twice the industry average


Increase in organic traffic

PPC: With the pay-per-click ad overhaul, our team was able to consolidate and restructure the entire campaign to enhance the results. We simplified 15 PPC campaigns and brought them down to 3 streamlined, researched campaigns. As a result, the engagement rate rose to nearly twice the industry average at 52.96% (compared to 37%). The conversion rate also did unusually well at 10%.

Inbound Emails: After creating and launching our bi-monthly inbound email marketing campaign with the existing material, we saw great success with our efforts. In just a few months, [insert inbound stat here].

Internal Newsletter: Both internal and external emails and newsletters were launched and distributed bi-monthly. Shortly after implementing the internal newsletters, the average open click rate was higher than the industry average at __%. 

SEO: In just 3 short months, Ocient saw an immediate 15% increase in organic traffic, and it continued to grow higher. The technical SEO score rose to __%. Overall ranking and SERP features increased to __%.

HubSpot: The HubSpot CMS allowed Ocient to organize their information, create nurturing workflows to guide prospects along the buyer’s journey, ensure Salesforce synced with the site properly, and gather on-demand reports showing Ocient’s increasing growth.