ROC Cleaning

How a Cleaning Company Doubled Digital Marketing Efforts

ROC Commercial Cleaning is a locally-owned Twin Cities commercial cleaning service. They service offices, light industrial buildings, construction sites, medical and veterinary clinics, auto dealerships, multi-unit condos and apartments, retail and small businesses, and private schools.

ROC was founded on one basic principle: to be the best cleaning company in the Twin Cities. They set themselves apart from other commercial cleaning services with an extremely high attention to detail and customer service. ROC is dedicated to maintaining only the highest level of service and satisfaction – and they add a personal touch by maintaining strong relationships with their customers.

The Challenge

The old ROC site was heavily focused on offered services but needed to focus on solutions. The previous design was outdated and content was addressed to their previous audience. It also didn’t showcase the uniqueness of ROC’s business. Their upward growth goals meant they needed a new site to speak to newer audiences. 

On the marketing side, ROC didn’t have a strategy or digital campaigns running for their brand, and social media posts were sporadic with minimal engagement. Without any digital marketing and room for improvement in the social area, new brand initiatives needed to be formed from the ground up to help with lead generation and conversions.

Client Priorities

  • Update the website to reflect values and high level of service to establish ROC as a leader in the industry
  • Increase presence on the web to generate more leads and convert them into customers

  • Improve SEO for improved search engine rankings to attract more clients

  • Engage current and prospective clients to gain followers and enhance click rates

The Plan

Our main goal was to ensure ROC’s great work ethic and high customer satisfaction shone through its website and marketing initiatives. We wanted to improve the overall customer experience through a website that loaded quickly and was easy to navigate. On top of that, we wanted to implement a stronger SEO strategy based on the current trends to enable the site to rank higher and offer greater visibility. 

On the marketing side, we planned to create a personalized strategy for their digital marketing efforts. Our idea was to increase lead conversion rates by making strategic investments in online marketing and paid ads. We also wanted to create and publish content consistently to engage current customers and prospects. 

  • Update site to enhance user experience (UX), calls to action (CTAs), and content direction
  • Monitor and adapt SEO elements to improve search rankings
  • Drive organic search traffic with regularly updated, optimized content additions to the website
  • Attract leads to the website through social media, email marketing and paid search ad campaigns

The Results

We shouldn’t brag, but the numbers don’t lie


Increase in site sessions per month


Increase in blog traffic

  • Enhanced buyer’s journey with improvements in UX and site navigation
  • Improved SEO and clear content focus on solutions
  • Doubled the number of targeted keywords ranking in the top 100 search results

Working with ROC since 2021, the BizzyWeb team spearheaded business growth through strategic digital marketing efforts and an optimized website.

The new website was created to engage buyers throughout their journey with strategic content and calls to action (CTAs) to encourage a fast response. We made sure to bring forward ROC’s strong brand identity and high level of customer service throughout the new site. Overall, the new site merges a modern aesthetic with research-proven user experience design that guides prospects along the customer journey.

On the marketing side, ROC Commercial Cleaning saw various wins. From the first month of our marketing program until now, we’ve increased monthly site traffic by 230%. Blog traffic saw a sustained gain of 223%. ROC has also captured ranking for twice as many keywords in the top 100 search results. Overall, engagement and traffic improved, resulting in higher lead generation and conversion rates.