Twin City Underwriters

How an Insurance Brokerage Company Amplified Event Registrants with HubSpot

Twin City Underwriters (TCU) is an insurance brokerage company with over 20 insurance agents in Minnesota who offer guidance and education for people aging into Medicare. Their prospective clients are typically confused about what they need to know, and they aren’t sure about the next steps. To aid in this education, TCU conducts multiple online and in-person seminars per month.

The Challenge

One of the biggest challenges for TCU was that their website was built with antiquated technology, and they had to send all changes to a third party to execute. With new events each month that need to be uploaded to the site, this slow process wasn’t sustainable.

As a result, workshops saw low registration and attendance. Other factors contributing to this low attendance were a lack of reminders to registrants leading up to the event as well as no timely follow-up with prospects after attending an event.

Additionally, TCU wanted to increase awareness of their supplementary services - in addition to Medicare, they also provide information and resources on life insurance, annuities, and other complementary products.

Client Priorities

  • Build brand awareness in the Twin Cities metro area
  • Increase registration and attendance for events

  • Automate event registration and confirmation process

  • Promote complementary services

The Plan

Our overall goal was to redesign the site and completely update the content to increase lead generation. With our GDD program, we would continually improve the site and TCU’s marketing program in an agile manner, using information gathered about user behavior as we moved forward.

The content needed for the new site was robust, so we proposed heavily updating the navigation and organization of the services. Also, we wanted to unify the graphic elements and aesthetics of the new site in order to create a more intuitive user experience.

Along with the site updates, TCU wanted to increase both registration and attendance for their workshop events. We proposed a streamlined registration process that would funnel into an automated system for follow-up.

To reach a wider audience, we proposed increasing TCU’s online visibility and relevance through inbound marketing campaigns designed for the right audience in the right place at the right time. We promoted these campaigns using email marketing, social media posts, and pay-per-click advertising on multiple platforms.

Finally, we helped them nurture these new leads through their entire customer journey from prospect to customer. To help increase customer loyalty and retention, existing customers received personalized yet automated communications throughout the year.

The Results

We shouldn’t brag, but the numbers don’t lie


increase in event attendance


increase in blog traffic


increase in Facebook followers


increase in users in the first year

The new website made it easy for the TCU team to make content updates on the fly without having to go through a developer. The improved navigation and optimized content made it easier for website visitors to find the information they were looking for as well as enticing them to sign up for an event.

The simplification of the registration process and automated reminders increased both event registration and attendance for Medicare 101. The online webinar was used to share information with new prospects, anyone contemplating retiring, and currently enrolled members who needed a refresher. Through this event, TCU garnered a greater number of leads and new clients.

Once our marketing initiatives were implemented, the top channels were more evenly distributed between direct, organic, social, display, paid search, and referrals. In the first year, TCU gained an average of 400 new users within a 3-month time span compared to the original 40 new user average, divided primarily between direct and organic leads.