Is Facebook Still Relevant for Businesses in 2022?

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Facebook used to be the unquestioned powerhouse of social media. With their omnipresent platform thanks to their acquisition of other popular networks like Instagram and WhatsApp, it was nearly impossible to find someone who wasn't using a Facebook tool. 

But then the bubble started to burst, and Facebook was suddenly inescapable for a very different reason - it seemed like nearly every month there was a new scandal, a new privacy leak, or a new government hearing.

The shockwaves of this very public negative attention to Facebook - along with numerous site updates that make it harder for businesses to connect with customers - created ripples that continue to erode away at Facebook's popularity.

Which is all a very long-winded lead up to the question many business owners are asking themselves in 2022: is Facebook even worth it anymore?

Unfortunately, there's no clear-cut answer. But today we'll look at the current state of Facebook, the pros and cons, and the best use cases so you can make the decision if it's relevant for your business.

Pros and Cons of Facebook in 2022

Pro: It still has a strong userbase of older adults

Despite speculation that Facebook is hemorrhaging users from their scandals , Facebook remains popular with adults aged 30+.

Research shows that there hasn't been a drastic decrease in use for this age group, although it is worth noting that the number of new users in USA, Canada, India, and Europe has plateaued.

But considering Facebook still has roughly 2.9 billion daily users, that's still a huge audience using Facebook regularly. 

For businesses that are targeting adults over 30, but more specifically Gen X or Boomer audiences, your audience very may well still be using Facebook.

Con: Young adults and teens aren't using it

If you're serving a market that's mostly young people, the data is clear: Facebook isn't worth using. 

Bloomberg reports that new users and repeat use for teens and young adults on Facebook is rapidly declining. For them, there's little value that Facebook offers that they can't get on other platforms - for video, they're much more likely to use YouTube, TikTok or Twitch.

Another big barrier? According to that research, a vast majority perceive “content on FB as negative, fake and misleading.”

This means that for brands trying to attract this audience, Facebook might be a waste of time since they're not likely to be on the platform.

Pro: It still has the lowest-cost online advertising options

One big advantage of Facebook is the robust online advertising tool baked into the platform. Not only can you tailor your ads by demographics and interests more so than other platforms, but you also have much more freedom when it comes to setting budgets.

This means that you can run an ad campaign with a very low budget and realistically expect to still see results from it. It also gives you the flexibility to constantly tweak, redefine your ads to get the best return by serving them up to only the exact audience that's most likely to take action.

→Read Now: Google vs Facebook: Where Should I Run Ads?

Con: You have to pay to play

This is where we have to get blunt: in 2022, it is extremely difficult for your non-paid content to be seen. There are a variety of reasons for this, but most of them boil down to tweaks made in each update to Facebook. The end result is that business pages have an extraordinarily difficult time showing up on peoples' Facebook feeds, even if that person is following you and is active in engaging with your posts. 

This forces business pages that want to grow reach and engagement to use boosted posts, which are a paid tool of increasing the likelihood that your posts are seen in peoples' Facebook feeds. 

If you're posting regularly on Facebook, even if it's incredible content, and even if all your posts are getting fantastic engagement - if you don't throw money behind them, they are very likely not reaching your audience.

You may have dedicated fans who are willing to go directly to your page to see what you're posting, but most Facebook users are going to stay on their feed and engage with posts that appear there.

Final Thoughts

There's no one-size-fits-all answer if Facebook is worth it for your business. Instead, look at the data above and also ask yourself the following questions:

  • What demographic am I targeting? And are they still actively using Facebook?
  • What kind of content am I putting out? Is it visual or video content that tends to perform better on Facebook, or is it informational content that might work better on LinkedIn or Twitter?
  • What kind of budget am I able to put behind Facebook? Do I have the budget to not only advertise on Facebook, but also to boost posts?

Your answers to these questions will inform you whether or not Facebook is still relevant for your business in 2022.

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BizzyWeb is a Minneapolis-based digital marketing and web design agency that helps companies get the high-quality leads they need to grow and thrive. Our tactics include inbound marketing, SEO, advertising, web design, content creation and sales automation. We are an accredited HubSpot Platinum Partner and we offer full-service HubSpot onboarding, enablement and strategy for new and current users.

Dave Meyer
Author: Dave Meyer
Dave Meyer is President of BizzyWeb. Dave has more than 20 years of experience in marketing and communications and has presented digital marketing topics to thousands of people across the US and Canada.