Daily Printing

Daily Printing (DPI) is a Twin Cities based employee-owned company providing print and marketing services in the graphic arts and printing industry. They are a leader in their field and focus on quality printing for businesses both large and small.

The Challenge

Daily Printing needed a massive facelift – both aesthetically and functionality-wise. After meeting with the client, we understood their need for a stronger online presence and digital identity. We wanted to:

  • Increase engagement on their site while decreasing bounce rates
  • Create a design system that would highlight their industry-leading qualities
  • Significantly decrease page load times

Client Priorities

  • Showcase that they are at the forefront of technology and create a website that reflects their innovation as well as their commitment to quality
  • Update the navigational structure of the site to make it more intuitively usable
  • Increase visibility in organic search results

The Plan

We planned to create a fresh, modern overall design aesthetic that sets them apart from their competitors. We would do this using custom iconography, design and interactive animations. We would optimize their content and imagery, thus decreasing lag and increasing user engagement.

The Results

Enhanced brand presence

Custom graphics and animations

Not to toot our own horn, but we are really quite proud of the way this project turned out. Really, you should check out the finished product. The custom graphics and subtle animations certainly make this site stand out from its competitors.