How to Use Automation to Close Lagging Deals

With a busy sales team, it can be hard to manually chase down all your prospects - which is where automation comes into play. Automating your sales process is your ticket to hitting your final home-run deals for the year.

In this article, we'll cover some things that can be automated using HubSpot to increase productivity and close those final deals to hit your numbers.

Save Precious Time With a CRM

Using software to automate your opportunities will allow your sales team to quickly understand what leads can be turned into customers by year-end.

Using an effective CRM organizes your contacts in one place, which makes it easy to see the status of deals. We recommend HubSpot's powerful CRM because it works seamlessly with marketing, automation and rev ops. This means your sales team spends less time transferring data and tracking down info as they close out the year.

Using a CRM like HubSpot will not just help with year-end deals, but it will organize lists for future use. So even if you don't close every potential deal by the end of the year, you'll set yourself up for a strong, clear focus as you begin the new year. 

→Read Now: Why Should I Use HubSpot?


Automate Repetitive Sales Tasks

With HubSpot, you can automate repetitive, time-consuming sales tasks so your team can spend more of their time working deals, and less time manually entering data. 

With no time to spare, there are some simple wins you can pounce on with automation.

Repetitive Sales Tasks to Automate

  • Lead Scoring - Using your CRM, set parameters for lead scoring based on source, industry, company size, etc. This will automatically flag any potential hot leads so your sales team doesn't need to manually score each lead as it comes in.
  • Lead Routing - Help your sales team manage their pipelines by automating who gets leads based on specific parameters. For most companies, this is either by the contact's region or industry, or a "round robin" hand-off. 
  • (Some) Emails - One-to-one emails shouldn't be replaced entirely, but you can still automate some emails to free up time. These can include sending a thank-you email from a member of your sales team after a prospect fills out a form, with some personalization to keep the message from sounding too robotic. Automation can also re-connect with colder leads while your sales team focuses on those hot deals.
  • Tasks and Reminders - Use automation to set tasks and reminders automatically. What this looks like depends on your sales process, but you might want to automate a task for "follow-up call" for each salesperson a certain number of times over 2 weeks after their initial contact with a prospect. Automating tasks and reminders is an easy way to keep your sales team on top of deals without manual entry.
  • Customer Re-engagement - We all know that word-of-mouth and recommendations are powerful, but it's also common for your sales team to hand off leads once they become customers and never speak to them again. You can use automation to send check-in emails to your current customers from their sales rep. No need to overthink it - a birthday message or holiday well-wishes usually works well.

→Read Now: How To Get Your Sales Team to Actually Use HubSpot


Use Automated Workflows to Reach Out to High-Value Prospects 

Workflows are an extremely powerful tool in HubSpot that ease the tension of each step in the sales process. Your sales campaigns will run more efficiently through intelligent follow-up and personalization. Workflows automate communication through personalized, segmented and targeted emails.

For example, if a prospect is from a specific industry, a drip campaign might include:

  1. An initial email that links to blogs or other resources for their industry.
  2. A secondary email that emphasizes how your company solves problems for their industry.
  3. Last but not least, the final email can be a "closer" where the prospect is invited to book a meeting with sales.

The beauty of workflows is they can be triggered from different stages within the sales process and various actions your leads take, so you can customize them to follow the buyer's journey for that specific lead. 

From these workflows, you can also get insights into how your lead interacts with content - which gives your sales team more meaningful data about what they are interested in, how they like to be communicated with, and what information is most useful to them.

→Read Now: How To Get Smarter Lead Tracking

Automating sales processes gives your sales reps valuable data, frees up their time from routine processes and gives them better data to close those lagging leads. If you follow these practices in HubSpot, prioritizing your prospects will be much easier. Saving time without sacrificing performance is necessary to close deals before the end of the year - and automation is the key.


Get the Most out of HubSpot Pro with a HubSpot Partner Agency

HubSpot-Platform-Enablement-AccreditedBizzyWeb is a HubSpot Platinum Partner: we offer full-service HubSpot onboarding, enablement and strategy for all hubs. Our team has over 196 certifications in HubSpot (and constantly growing). No matter what your HubSpot needs are, our team is ready to handle them.

Plus, we are the only agency in Minnesota with a Platform Enablement Accreditation from HubSpot - sounds fancy, but it means we're top-notch in making HubSpot work within your business.

BizzyWeb is a Minneapolis-based digital marketing and web design agency that helps companies get the high-quality leads they need to grow and thrive. Our tactics include inbound marketing, SEO, advertising, web design, content creation and sales automation. We are an accredited HubSpot Platinum Partner and we offer full-service HubSpot onboarding, enablement and strategy for new and current users.

Dave Meyer
Author: Dave Meyer
Dave Meyer is President of BizzyWeb. Dave has more than 20 years of experience in marketing and communications and has presented digital marketing topics to thousands of people across the US and Canada.