Keeping up with your marketing over the summer months can be a challenge. It can seem like everyone's on vacation with their toes in the sand while you're trying to make a meaningful connection. And it's not just your audience that's soaking up rays - your team is probably out more than normal too.
When your team is out having fun, marketing can still get done. Here's how to use automation to keep marketing moving all summer long.
A quick note before we get into the (yummy grilled) meat of the post: this post is focused on automation, not scheduling! Although these two marketing tactics are very similar and are sometimes used interchangeably, they are very different.
Scheduling is creating content or tasks in advance that are executed later, on specific dates. Scheduling your content - such as blogs, emails, and social media posts - is a great way to ensure a consistent content schedule during summer vacations. For example, you might write three blogs in June and schedule them throughout the entire summer, rather than writing a blog each month. (Just be careful your posts are evergreen and not too timely so they don't get stale.)
Automation uses tools to ensure that specific, routine tasks are executed without a human needing to metaphorically "push a button" each time. This includes things like updating data properties, sending specific emails in a sequence or creating task reminders. I'll go into more detail below on how you can use automation during the summer months.
You'll want to use both scheduling and automation this summer for peak effectiveness.
When a lead takes an action like filling out a form, viewing a specific page or requesting a demo, you want to make sure you check back consistently. You'll still want a team member to follow up with them manually, but you can utilize automation to ensure that leads are not ignored and are nurtured toward the next step in your sales process.
Use automation to send emails based on specific actions. Examples include:
These are just some ways to nurture leads through automation. For more ideas, check out 5 Essential HubSpot Workflows to Copy & 5 More Essential HubSpot Workflows to Copy.
Work smarter, not harder by repurposing the content you already have through automation. Take high-value and high-performing downloads, blogs and videos and splice them up into assets that can be used across different channels, like ads, social posts, SMS and more.
To automate this process, HubSpot users can employ the Content Remix tool available in HubSpot's Content Hub. If you're not sure if your account has access to this tool, contact our HubSpot team - we can check your access for free and with no obligation to work with us.
Related Content: What is HubSpot's New Content Hub?
One key way to ensure that marketing doesn't slide off over the summer is to make sure you have automation set up for lead scoring, handoffs, and data capture. This can include:
Another way to automate handoffs is by using the HubSpot Sales Prospecting Workplace, available for Sales Hub Professional and Enterprise. This workspace highlights routine activities that can be easily converted into automated tasks.
Even with summer in full swing, you want to maintain consistent communication with your existing audience. Automation lets you keep communication consistent, but not invasive.
For example - use automation to remind your audience about upcoming events through emails or SMS marketing. You can also use automation for upcoming appointment reminders, to send discount codes to unengaged users and other routine communication.
Tapping into the power of automation is a great way to hack your productivity and ensure marketing doesn't slow down when key team members are out of the office. To unlock automation, you need to be using the right tools. Are you making the most out of your marketing with an intelligent marketing tool?
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